Considerations from the Transgenerational Regeneration Institute

Like you, TRI is committed to bettering the world for the good of all. We believe in human goodness, and yet we understand that we have a long way to go in our efforts to co-create a world that is equitable and just for all.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when we look at the current state of our world. Yet, in order to co-create change, we believe that it must rise from bottom-up rather than top-down; from a grass-roots global movement for change rather than from those who benefit most from their position of power and privilege. It just so happens that addressing and solving the climate crisis can be the focal point where all other disparities merge into one common goal—to continue life on this planet and return to a regnerative lifestyle, or become extinct.

Global warming, the continued genocidal practices toward Indigenous Peoples and their way of life in order to grab their land and natural resources, violence against Black and Brown people at the hands of government institutions and white supremacy ideals, patriarchal gender bias and its proclivity to view human existence as binary and human moral values as hetero-normative, degenerative farming practices that leave farmers poor and the soil stripped of nutrients--it is an inexhaustive list pointing to the disparity in our current paradigm, one of power- over rather than power-with. Perhaps even our collective overwhelm can be seen as a collusion with this power-over paradigm.

With a focus toward possibility and stubborn optimism in addressing the need for widespread change, we have developed a framework for transformation that is designed to help people connect with their desire for change, deconstruct the old paradigm influences they carry, develop a relationship with the numinous, and bring forth their vision through regenerative actions in community.




Considerations from the Transgenerational Regeneration Institute